• Welcome to Nance!

     Principal Hill puts a smile on the faces of some of his youngest students.


    Perry Hill IV, principal at Nance Elementary, knows what it’s like to be a “newbie.” He joined SLPS this year after serving as principal at Collinsville Middle School and Glenview Middle School—both in Illinois.


    Many of Nance’s 67 kindergarten students were not enrolled in early childhood or preschool last year, so they have never been to school before. Wanting to provide a positive experience from the get-go, Principal Hill planned the “Newbies to Nance” project.


    On August 21, Principal Hill, along with six teachers and staffers, broke into groups and visited the homes of kindergarteners with a gift for each student—a special Nance T-shirt and a letter from the principal with tips for a successful year.  


    Many of the kindergarteners were shy at first but broke into huge smiles when they saw the gift. Parents were also welcomed to the Nance family and encouraged to contact the school with any questions or concerns.
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