SLPS Building Revitalization Collaborative

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Welcome to the BRC

  • The Saint Louis Public Schools (SLPS) Building Revitalization Collaborative was established in 2015 to promote the redevelopment of District-owned properties no longer in use as schools. That spring and summer, SLPS held open houses for the public to tour the closed schools. During the winter months that followed, SLPS held a series of community forums to discuss possible repurposing scenarios for each property.

    Each closed school was also visited by members of a technical advisory committee (TAC) put together by SLPS. The TAC includes architects, building planners, preservationists, real estate developers and representatives from the fields of finance, education, construction and healthcare. By bringing together community stakeholders, SLPS hopes to find creative solutions for these properties that will benefit the District and the St. Louis community as a whole.


    If you are interested in touring or purchasing a property, please contact:

    Please call our realtors Kurt Schulte (314-393-1106) or Sandra Dew-Gainey (314-368-6460).


  • RECENTLY SOLD: SLPS has sold its ninth and tenth schools since launching the BRC! Lyon was sold to Screaming Eagle Development and Wilkinson was sold to Advantes -- both on Dec. 19, 2018. Williams was sold on March 20, 2017, to Bethel Christian Assembly. Other properties sold since the launch: Clark (market-rate apartments), Gratiot (market-rate apartments), Sherman (market-rate apartments), Ford Branch (Meals on Wheels hub), Cook (office space), Lafayette (market-rate apartments) and Windsor (business reuse). We also reopened L'Ouverture and Wyman beginning with the 2015-2016 school year. L'Ouverture houses the Academy of Entrepreneurship Studies Middle (AESM) and Wyman houses the Collegiate School of Medicine and Bioscience.

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  • VISITING A BUILDING: Visitors to our surplus buildings must sign a waiver before entering any of our properties. To speed up the process, you may fill out the form ahead of time. The form is available HERE.

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  • BUILDING TOURS: Thank you to everyone who attended our building tours. Action plans for each building are available HERE.

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