• ESOL Itinerant Teachers


    Introductory Video Click Here

    ESOL itinerant teachers provide English language development services to ELLs in Non-center schools. Non-center schools are schools in Saint Louis Public Schools that have a low incidence of ELL students. 

    ESOL itinerant teachers support ELLs in the following ways: 

    • Conduct pull-out sessions using ESOL curriculum materials
    • Initiate and maintain ELL portfolios
    • Administer ESOL Benchmark assessments
    • Collaborate with classroom/content teachers by providing information relevant to ELLs’ language proficiency levels
    • Provide classroom/content teachers support differentiating/modifying classroom assignments and assessments
    • Attend SIT/RED/IEPs of dually identified ELLs

    If you would like more information about ESOL services in Non-centers, please contact Heather Tuckson, ESOL Coordinator for Non-Centers: Heather.Tuckson@slps.org