Educators For Gun Safety

Our City. Our Schools. Our Future.

  • “We each have to make a decision. We can either rise to this challenge, or watch more of our children needlessly die. Every adult in our community, from educators to parents to neighbors, has a role to play. Children need supervision to keep them safe. As educators, we can help parents in our city know how to safely lock and store guns, and how to talk to their kids about guns. We can help parents understand what questions to ask their kids about guns, what questions to ask about gun safety when their kids visit friends and other places. We all have to stand up. Our kids’ lives are on the line.”-Dr. Candice Carter-Oliver, CEO of Confluence Academies

  •  gun safety launce

    Educators for Gun Safety

    ST. LOUIS, MO – Leaders from Saint Louis Public Schools (SLPS) and several city charter schools are teaming up to take on one of the most urgent dangers facing our children: guns. Click on the title above to view.

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  •  Mayor Jones

    Mayor Tishaura Jones on Firearm Safety

    Mayor Tishaura Jones believes too many St. Louisans have felt the pain of gun violence touch the communities.

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  •  Logo for Lock it for Love

    Current Places to Obtain a Gun Lock- "Lock It For Love"

    Store firearms locked and unloaded. Keep ammunition stored and locked separately from firearm. Get a Free Gun Lock! The St. Louis City Fire Department and selected branches of the St. Louis Public Library and the St. Louis County Library are providing gun safety information and free gun locks to the public.

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  •  Gun Lock Demonstration

    How to Use a Gun Lock

    This is a short, easy to follow video that will help you install a lock on your weapon. Please feel free to share with anyone who needs it!

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