• Attention Principals and Teachers of Preschool Aged Children: 

    SLPS preschoolers have an exciting opportunity to receive a tool essential to their academic growth. Every month, until their fifth birthday, they can receive a free book mailed to them directly!  This gift is made possible through a partnership with the Dolly Parton Imagination Library, the United Way of Greater St. Louis and Saint Louis Public Schools.  All preschool children enrolled in an SLPS school are eligible.

    Parent Educators will bring registration brochures to SLPS schools in the upcoming weeks.  Teacher’s assistants are being asked to complete the registration forms in advance and get signatures from the parents.  The form must have a valid current mailing address for the child. After the parents (or legal guardian) have signed the forms, the teacher’s assistant should keep completed and signed forms together and organized for pick-up. Parent Educators will return to the school every two weeks to pick up the forms and submit them to the United Way.  Children registered by January 30, 2015 will begin receiving books by mid-March 2015, according to the home address provided.

    The key to the success of this exciting initiative is communication with the parents.  Every parent whose child is eligible to receive free books must be made aware of our partnership with the Dolly Parton Imagination Library.  Please utilize staff meetings, school newsletters, PTO meetings and parent/community engagement gatherings to spread the word.  

    If you have further questions or suggestions, please contact Susan Crosby, Early Childhood Literacy Coordinator at 314-616-1679, Susan.Crosby@slps.org, or Linda Mitchell, Parent Educator, at 618-558-8527, linda.mitchell@slps.org.