• Quality Assurance System (QAS)

    Saint Louis Public Schools has started an initiative to improve the quality of services provided to the District by central operations through a quality assurance system that will enhance the District’s ability to consistently meet the requirements of the students, parents, community members (business community inclusive) and employees of the District.

    The Quality Assurance System is based on the International Standards of Quality (ISO 9000), which serve as our primary tool for achieving continuous improvement in the District.

    The ISO 9001 standard is international in scope. In order to be certified, businesses and school districts must meet high standards of quality, continually improve their processes and services, reduce error and costs, and increase customer satisfaction.

    Among the critical elements required by ISO 9001 are Commitment to Quality, Management Review Team, Documentation of Processes and Procedures. corrective action requests, Preventive Action, and Internal Quality Auditing. These provide a framework for assuring our "customers" that we are using a system that provides the same high quality service to everyone, every time.

    Five departments in Saint Louis Public Schools - Curriculum, Professional Development, Human Resources, Finance, and Operations, are currently involved in the ISO 9001 procedure development process. As this is a process that seeks to continuously improve, procedures will be developed and improved in an on-going way. Additional departments will be added as well. You may access their procedures by department within the Master Document List link in the navigation column to your left.