• SLPS Teachers Focus on Presentation, Leadership Skills

    Wells Fargo Advisors provides the professional development training free to SLPS teachers


    ST. LOUIS, MO, July 22, 2013 - As part of its ongoing efforts to support St. Louis Public Schools, its students, teachers, and administrators, Wells Fargo Advisors is offering professional development training courses this summer.


    Five SLPS teachers are in the process of completing Effective Presentation Skills, a two-day, 16-hour course that shows participants how to construct an effective presentation and deliver it.


    Topics discussed include how to analyze your audience, create a clear and compelling opening, develop transitions, close the presentation and effectively handle audience questions. Participants practice their platform skills and learn to create and use appropriate visual aids. As part of the course, each participant will give a 10-minute presentation created in class and receive feedback from the group.


    Effective Presentation Skills is one of three professional development programs offered by Wells Fargo Advisors in advance of the 2013-14 school year. New SLPS principals and assistant principals completed a leadership series on July 15, and a second course for teachers called Constructive Conflict Resolution is scheduled for early August.


    The courses are part of the WFA/SLPS Teacher Institute Program, which provides a unique opportunity for the St. Louis Public School System to supplement development opportunities for teachers and other staff.