Great American Eclipse - August 21, 2017

    • For a copy of this letter in French, click HERE.
    • For a copy of this letter in Swahili, click HERE.
    • For a copy of this letter in Arabic, click HERE.
    • For a copy of this letter in Spanish, click HERE.
    • For a copy of this letter in Nepali, click HERE.


    We hope your family had a great summer. We have been busy putting the finishing touches on plans for the first day of school, and we look forward to seeing your children back in our hallways and classrooms. 

    On Monday, Aug. 21, we will celebrate the total solar eclipse districtwide. This is a once-in-a-lifetime teachable moment for us, and our science curriculum specialists have been hard at work preparing fun, educational activities. Every teacher has completed a detailed professional development session around the eclipse and eclipse safety. Lessons have been put together for each age group. Safety glasses have been ordered for every student and every school staff member. We are ready! 

    We encourage you to come to your child's school that day and enjoy the event with your children. (Please bring your own set of safety glasses, as we will not have extras.) We hope you will join us for what will be a fascinating experience like no other.

    We also are providing a way for families to opt-out if they do not want their child outside during the eclipse. These students will watch a NASA live stream inside the school building. You may opt out here: or a paper version will go home with all elementary and middle school students on Wednesday. High school students/families may print this form and bring it back to the school or use the electronic form.

    You may find more information about the eclipse at

    Thank you for choosing Saint Louis Public Schools for your children. We look forward to a stellar 2017-2018 school year!


    Dr. Kelvin Adams
    Superintendent of Schools
    Saint Louis Public Schools

Great American Eclipse