Hodgen Tech Academy


    Hodgen School

           1616 California
           St. Louis, MO 63104
           Office 314-771-2539
           Fax 314-244.1801
           Principal: Julia Kaiser
           Grade: PK-5th 

           Hours: 9:25am - 4:22pm     Drop-Off Time: 9:10am     


           Click HERE for a map.

            For assistance email hodgenparenthelp@slps.org


  • A blue and yellow logoDescription automatically generated HODGEN TECH ACADEMY

              "Inspiring Hearts, Igniting Minds"


    Dear Hodgen Tech Academy Families,

    Welcome to another exciting school year at Hodgen Tech Academy! It is my honor to continue serving as your Principal for the 2024-2025 school year, and I am excited to collaborate with our dedicated staff, our bright scholars, and our loving families.

    First and foremost, I want to extend a warm welcome to both our returning families and those joining us for the first time. Your continued support and dedication to our school community plays an important role in your child's success. We are deeply grateful for your partnership and look forward to working together to create a positive and rigorous educational experience for all our scholars.

    Health and Safety:

    Your child's safety remains our top priority. Please ensure your child’s immunization and medical records are up-to-date.  Reach out to Nurse Thomas at Dalby.Thomas@slps.org or 314-771-2539 if you need assistance. 

    Academic Excellence:

    At Hodgen Tech Academy, we believe in fostering a love for learning while providing a rigorous and supportive academic environment. We encourage open communication between teachers, scholars, and families to ensure each child's individual needs are met, promoting both academic and personal growth.

    Parent Involvement:

    We value the partnership between families and our school community. Your involvement is instrumental in shaping the educational journey of your child. Whether it's through our Parent-Teacher Association (PTA), volunteering opportunities, or attending school events, your active participation is greatly appreciated. Email Ms. Atkins to become a volunteer at Denise.Atkins@slps.org.


    Open and transparent communication is essential to the success of our school community. We will continue to keep you informed about important school events, updates, and any changes that may arise throughout the year. Please stay connected by signing up for Class Dojo here.

    Make Attendance a Priority:

    Attendance is crucial for your child’s academic success. Did you know students who attend school every day and on time are significantly more likely to achieve higher academic performance? If a student arrives even 15 minutes late daily, throughout the school year, that is the equivalent of missing over an entire week of the school year. Let's make each day count!

    Arrival and Dismissal Information:

    New Drop Off Time: 9:10 AM

    Pick-Up Time: 4:05 PM

    Pre-K Pick-Up: 3:45 PM

    Before Care: Available from 8:10-9:10 AM

    After Care: Available from 4:30-6:00 PM

    Upcoming Events:

    • Hodgen Meet Your Teacher on August 16 from 3:30-5:30pm
    • First Day of School August 19, 2024

    We look forward to seeing all of you at these events as we celebrate the new school year together, as a Hodgen Family.  If you have any questions, concerns or ideas, please do not hesitate to reach out to our school office. Our team is here to assist you in any way we can.

    Wishing you a fantastic start to the school year!


    Principal Kaiser


    Julia Kaiser, Ed.D.

