• Dear Parent/Community Member/Staff Member:

    The Special Administrative Board is scheduled to consider a proposal to revise the District's Promotion and Retention Policy at the June 26, 2012 meeting.   Prior to the meeting, the District is providing parents, staff and community members an opportunity to review the proposed policy revision and provide feedback.   The proposed policy is included below, along with a brief power point presentation regarding the policy, and a link for you to provide feedback.

    Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts.

    To see a copy of the proposed Promotion/Retention Policy, please click here.


    To see a power point presentation pertaining to the proposed Promotion/Retention Policy, please click here. 


    To provide your comments about the proposed Promotion/Retention Policy, please click here


    The deadline to provide feedback on this issue is Friday, June 22, 2012.

    Thank you.