


    Nottingham CAJT High School Wins International Promising Practices Award in Character Education for Second Straight Year!


    Promising Practices in Character Education Announced for 2013

    Effective strategies that develop good character in young people are recognized.


    May 29, 2013


    Washington, DC – The Character Education Partnership (CEP) has recognized Nottingham CAJT High School, a St. Louis Public School for students with Developmental Disabilities, as a 2013 Promising Practices Award Winner for the second year in a row.


    CEP is awarding 262 Promising Practices to schools, districts, and youth-serving organizations from across the United States as well as from Canada, China, India, Mexico, and New Zealand.


    The students and staff at Nottingham CAJT High School were honored for their work with the Humane Society of St. Louis. They were also honored for their work with helping other students throughout St. Louis City and County to better understand how individuals with developmental disabilities can be valued members of our community.

    “These best practices offer educators and others working with young people practical ways to develop empathy, conflict resolution skills, and good citizenship,” said Lara Maupin, Program Director. “CEP is excited about being able to recognize these educators and share their work with others around the world.”


    CEP’s 2013 National and International Promising Practices in Character Education represent:

    • 6 nations
    • 25 states – with the largest numbers from Missouri (122) and New Jersey (27)
    • 180 public schools, 16 charter schools, 12 private schools, 7 youth-serving organizations, and school districts


    CEP sponsors the annual program to showcase innovative best practices that are having an impact across the nation and abroad. CEP encourages educators with similar needs to learn from and even replicate these successful initiatives. CEP will honor the 2013 recipients at the 20th National Forum on Character Education, to be held in Washington, DC, October 24-27, 2013. Learn more by searching CEP’s database of Promising Practices.

