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    St. Louis Rams safety Quintin Mikell and Olympic star Dawn Harper visited Soldan International Studies High School to help motivate students to stay in school and study and to let teachers, parents, and the community know about the resources of Education Express. Mikell and Harper are serving as Education Express ambassadors for the United Way of Greater St. Louis.

    Education Express is an initiative of United Way of Greater St. Louis that recruits mentors, homework helpers and tutors from throughout the region. Education Express works with schools, agencies and organizations that seek to improve student academics and behavior.

    United Way’s Education Express is working with partner organizations throughout the community with the goal of recruiting 2,000 volunteers by 2014.

    During the 45-minue Soldan pep rally, Mikell and Harper shared inspirational stories of how they benefited from having mentors and tutors in their lives. They encouraged the students at Soldan to seek assistance when needed; reminding them that asking for help is what smart and successful people do.

    United Way Executive Vice President and Chief Strategy and Engagement Officer Cheryl Polk organized the pep rally and included Soldan cheerleaders, the school band in the presentation. She also arranged for two Soldan students to share testimonials about how mentors and tutors have helped them succeed.

    At the conclusion of the pep rally, Polk presented Soldan Principal Dr. Tom Cason with a grant check for $500 and each student received a backpack with school supplies donated from local companies and organizations.