
    media release
    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                           Contact: Patrick Wallace

    July 30, 2012                                                                                                                     (314) 345-2227


    District Students Named Discus Award Winners

    8 High School Students Selected For National Honor



    ST. LOUIS, MO. August 1, 2012 –The Saint Louis Public School District is home to eight Discus Award Winners for the recently completed 2011-2012 school year. The Discus Award is a non-monetary national recognition honoring the most well-rounded high school students across the country. The SLPS students represent eight different high schools. 

    The Discus Award is presented to students based on 10 major categories or attributes where students can make a contribution during high school. Discus Award winners must demonstrate a proven track-record in at least three of those attributes. The attributes are: Academics, Arts, Athletics, Community Service, Faith, Government, Green, Technology, Work or Other Achievements.

    Students in grades 9 – 12 may nominate themselves or friends, or a student may be nominated by a teacher, parent or counselor. Nominees must select three of the attributes and submit a short blurb for each one, complete with additional information about the student’s activities and achievements.

    Winners of the Discus Award are named year-round on a rolling basis and are featured on the official Discus Awards website. As a Discus Award winner, the SLPS students are now eligible for one of 12 monthly $2,000 National All-Around Student Scholarship.

    SLPS Discus Award winners for 2011-2012 are: Abraham Shaw (McKinley Classical Leadership Academy), Mallory Whitfield (Carnahan High School of the Future), Tijanna Benson (Central Visual and Performing Arts High School), Valencia McKinney (Gateway STEM High School), Brendan Duncan (Metro Academic & Classical High School), Asia Butler (Northwest Academy of Law), Farah Zuheer (Roosevelt High School) and Doneisha Money (Sumner High School).

    The Discus Awards is owned and operated by Scholarship Strategies, LLC.  Scholarship Strategies provides high school and middle school students and their families access to a unique portfolio of scholarships and discounted product offers to help reduce the financial burden or preparing for and pursuing a college education.