• The following news release was issued by Governor Jay Nixon's office on January 14, 2013


    JEFFERSON CITY - Conducting the first official business of his second term, Gov. Jay Nixon met with early childhood education officials, educators and advocates today to discuss his plans to ensure all Missouri children start kindergarten ready to succeed in school and beyond.  The Governor was joined by Missouri Education Commissioner Dr. Chris Nicastro, Coordinating Board for Early Childhood Education Chair James Caccamo, Child Care Aware of Missouri CEO Carol Scott, St. Louis Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Kelvin Adams, and St. Louis Public Schools Early Childhood Teacher of the Year Linda Smith.


    "Getting to work on ways to give our kids a better start in life is the perfect way to start my second term as Governor," Gov. Nixon said.  "Expanding access to early childhood education is proven to boost academic achievement in school and improve opportunities later in life - in short, a smart investment with a big return.  I am grateful for the leadership these dedicated Missourians have demonstrated on this issue and am confident that together we can ensure every Missouri child has every opportunity to succeed."


    The Governor has announced that the Fiscal Year 2014 budget he will present later this month will include increased investment in preschool education programs throughout the state, including new resources for pre-kindergarten programs in local school districts and early childhood education initiatives such as Missouri's Early Head Start program.



    Photo courtesy: Bill Greenblatt - UPI

    Gov Office