• SLPS Spotlight News

    February 8, 2013


    SLPS has important news to share with its community. From recognizing student accomplishments, announcing teacher recognitions and promoting upcoming events, Spotlight News fills a critical role by sharing District news with more than 4,500 people across the city, including reporters, community partners, elected officials, parents, and SLPS faculty and staff.  To submit information to be included in the next edition, please contact Julie Linder by calling (314) 345-2367 or via email to Julie.Linder@slps.org


    SLPS News

    Central VPA Hosts School-based Poetry Out Loud Competition-Winners Head to Regional Competition

    Central Visual and Performing Arts High School hosted its 2nd Annual Poetry Out Loud Competition. More than 20 English class representatives recited poems before judges determined the School Champion. Please congratulate the following students:

    ·         School Champion:-Tywona Peoples, 12th grade-who will now advance to the Poetry Out Loud Regional Competition February 12th at the Regional Arts Commission

    ·         Runner-Up - Xavier Bady, 12th grade

    ·         3rd Place - Sharrell Blakely, 12th grade

    ·         4th Place - DaPharaoh Ross, 10th grade

    ·         4th Place - Jacob Anderson-Little, 10th grade


    Nottingham CAJT H.S. Annual Homecoming Huge Success

    On Friday, January 25, 2013, Nottingham Community Access & Job Training (CAJT) High School’s annual Homecoming week culminated with a Varsity Basketball game vs. St. John Vianney High School and the crowning of their Homecoming King and Queen.

    Sophomore Brendan Johnson was chosen as the Homecoming King and Sophomore Timisha Banks was chosen to be the Queen through an election by their peers. Both students excel in their academic work and are also positive role models for others to follow.
    The Varsity Basketball Team defeated St. John Vianney High School by a score of 82-68. This is the varsity team’s second game and their second win, making them undefeated for the start of their season.


    Beaumont JROTC Team Advancing to Level II in the 2012-13 Army JROTC Academic Bowl

    The Beaumont CTE HS Army JROTC academic team will compete in the second round of the 2012-2013 Army JROTC Academic Bowl.  The team composed of Cadets Clarese Mathews, Goldie Adams, Riquina Jones, and Damaya Love competed in round one of the competitive online play against 1,576 teams of JROTC students from across the world to earn the right to compete in round two, which will include 800 teams. 

    In round one, students were tested on information covered in a high school curriculum, including math, science, and English, as well as leadership skills.   The Academic Bowl is designed as a tournament, with teams participating in ten matches during the preliminary rounds.  The top 12 teams from the preliminary rounds advance to the playoff rounds, which are single-elimination rounds.  Questions, based on a standard college preparatory high school curriculum, will include math, English, science, social studies, JROTC curriculum material, and interdisciplinary material.

    The JROTC Academic Bowl is a nationally recognized academic competition created exclusively for JROTC students. By participating, cadets learn the values of citizenship, academic competition, and college opportunity while demonstrating their academic abilities.

    This event is sponsored by the Army JROTC Cadet Command and conducted by College Options Foundation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to enriching the academic development of high school students and helping ready them for higher education.  Using academic competitions, college exam study guides, college admissions tutorials, and personalized counseling, College Options Foundation has worked with 1.1 million JROTC cadets worldwide.  


    Mallinckrodt Students show what it means to Care

    December’s character word of the month was “caring,” and Mallinckrodt’s students and staff defined the word with a commendable action.  In an effort to think globally and act locally, the school collected an all-time school record of 2,359 cans or 4,000 pounds of food for Operation Food Search.  In addition to this they also collected money for Heifer International.  Students brought in dollars and voted on the animal they would like to send to a family or community to help them become more self-sufficient.  We collected enough to purchase a goat, three swarms of honeybees, three flocks of sheep, and a water buffalo.  Again, this surpassed the school’s giving from the last two years. 

    Spearheaded by Mrs. Saputo’s class, and supported by many other classes, students made peace doves and baked cookies for our service men in Afghanistan.  They sent the package along with a Christmas tree and thank you notes and cards.  In addition, classes adopted families to help with requested specific needs.   Mallinckrodt is proud of its students, and would like to extend a special thanks to all the families who helped make dreams come true in December. 


    Dr. Martin Luther King Awards Presented to SLPS

    The St. Louis Public School District would like to congratulate the following individuals for their recognitions during the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr Holiday. These awards, presented at two separate award ceremonies, honor those for their commitments to improving the community: 

    v  Ms. Cheryl Ray, a social worker at Central VPA, who was awarded the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Holiday Committee Social Worker of the Year Award for her role improving educational outcomes for numerous students

    v  Dr. Kelvin Adams, who was presented the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Committee Service Award for his leadership at the St. Louis Public Schools

    v  Danielle Lee, a student at Metro Academic & Classical High School, who was awarded the Martin Luther King, Jr. Model of Justice Award by Archbishop Robert J. Carlson. This award is presented to high school students who have demonstrated through their attitude and their work, a commitment to serving humanity in the broader community.  These students have made justice a central part of their life and have committed themselves “to the noble struggle for equal rights.”


    Gateway Student Uses Career Internship to Organize Successful Student Expression Event

    Recently, Mr. Antwoun Stevens, a senior at Gateway STEM and marketing major, hosted his first poetry slam as part of his internship with the National Conference for Community & Justice (NCCJ) at Washington University. To do so he worked within the existing partnership between NCCJ and Wash U. to coordinate efforts with WUSLAM, Wash U.’s poetry club, to plan and coordinate a free event for area high school students to express themselves poetically and musically called “Youth Speak Out:  Poetry Open Mic.”   It was a stellar event; so much in fact that, many students are already asking when he will plan another and how can they can participate in the next showcase.


    Congratulations Kennard’s Chess Team for Placing 1st and 2nd in Area Tournaments

    The chess team at Kennard Classical Junior Academy continues to make notable wins in area tournaments. More recently the team played at:

    1)      Pattonville

    The Kennard Chess Team placed 1st in the 5th and under division in the Gateway Board Tournament at Pattonville High School on Saturday, January 12.  Lillian Selligman and Ben Sullins earned medals.

    Other team members were Ben Jamerson, Amber Restivo, Evan Wohlrabe, AJ Radford, Joseph Miller, Theo Saigh, Penny Peck, Gus Lloyd, Zeve Burton, Noah Rosentreter, and Sam Duncan. This is a hard tournament and they performed very well and were rewarded by winning the first place trophy.  Lisa Andrews Selligman is the sponsor of the chess team.

    2)      Festus High School

    On Saturday January 26, seven Chess Tigers and their families made the long trek to Festus High School to represent Kennard at the Gateway Team Tournament.

    In the Individual Division, Alexander Lebedev and Noah Rosentreter both earned medals.

    Kennard's 5-person team, consisting of Lillian Selligman, Ben Sullins, Alfred Conversi, Joe Miller, and Sir Maximus McDaniel, brought home the second place trophy for the 5th and under division, missing first by one point on tiebreakers.

    In addition, Lillian, Joe, and Max each earned a second place trophy for their respective positions, and Ben won the first place trophy for Board 2.  


    SLPS Students Honored as a KMOX/Southeast Missouri State University “Student of Achievement”

    Congratulations to Hassan Owens, a senior at Clyde C. Miller Career Academy, and Dominique Williams, a senior at  Central VPA, for being selected as a KMOX/ Southeast Missouri State University “Student of Achievement.”  This award recognizes 30 students throughout the St. Louis metropolitan area who have demonstrated outstanding achievements in academics, athletics, the arts, community service and leadership.  As selected student of achievement winners, Dominique and Hassan will each receive recognition through KMOX Radio, in print with the Suburban Journal and on television with the 9Network.  Each will also receive a Student of Achievement scholarship of $3000 to attend Southeast Missouri State University.  This is renewable for 4 consecutive years.


    Upcoming Events

    Famous African-American Portraits Art Exhibit and Competition, February 1 through February 28

    The 19th annual SLPS Famous African-American Portraits exhibit and competition will be held at the Missouri Botanical Garden in honor of Black History Month.  Participating high school art students research the background of the famous African-American person they choose to artistically depict in a portrait, visually portraying the personality, intelligence and determination of the person that they have chosen for their artwork. The famous African-Americans that the students select for this exhibit and competition can range from historical figures to sports figures to musicians to political personalities. The public will have the chance to vote on their favorite portrait while the exhibit is on display, February 1 through February 28. Hours are 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. weekdays, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekends. Jordan Education Wing, lower level of the Ridgeway Visitor Center, Missouri Botanical Garden. The contest is sponsored by Aramark.


    Washington Montessori’s 3rd Annual Father/Daughter-Mother/Son Dance

    Date: Saturday, February 9, 2013

    Time: 6-8:30p.m. 

    Location: Washington Montessori, 1130 N. Euclid


    Elected Board Meeting

    Date: Tuesday, February 12

    Time: 6:30pm

    Location: Carr Lane VPA, 1004 N. Jefferson


    Professional Development- NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS

    Date: Friday, February 15


    Holiday- Presidents’ Day-NO SCHOOL

    Date: Monday, February 18


    Special Administrative Board Meeting

    Date: Thursday, February 21

    Time: 6:00pm
    Location: 801 N. 11th St., Room 108


    Parent Assembly Meeting

    Date: Thursday, February 28

    Time: 6:00pm

    Location: Metro Academic & Classical High School,

    4015 McPherson


    12th Annual St. Louis Public Schools Art Fair

    The St. Louis Public Schools’ Annual Art Fair is on display from February 22 – March 8, 2013 on the lower level of the Saint Louis Zoo Living World. The Art Fair is a collaborative art competition presented by the Saint Louis Zoo and the St. Louis Public Schools Foundation. The event, now in its 12th year, provides an excellent opportunity for student artists to showcase their talents and receive community-wide exposure and recognition. The exhibit is free and open to the public.


    News Articles of Interest

    ·         And the Verdict is… a Better Life  

    ·         Announcement on women in combat opens debate and possibilities at a high school military academy

    ·         Bill Would Require Gun Safety Course in 1st Grade

    ·         Editorial: Business leaders turn to education. Good move.

    ·         Editorial: More early childhood education is best investment ...

    ·         Gov. Nixon says second term's focus is state's children

    ·         Governor's idea to lengthen the school calendar in Missouri could ...

    ·         Lewis Rice Attorneys Successfully Defend St. Louis Public School ...

    ·         NAACP, SLPS partner on early education

    ·         New health center opens in Vashon High School

    ·         School district renews bid to sell vacant buildings

    ·         St. Louis Public School students sign letters of intent

    ·         St. Louis Public Schools Names Preschool Teacher Of The Year

    ·         State Fair offering summer jobs for students

    ·         Text: Gov. Jay Nixon's State of the State address

    ·         Walgreens honors teen health community leaders

    ·         Innovation High School grants given to St. Louis area schools

    ·         St. Louis-Area Schools Awarded Innovation Grants


    Photos of the Week

    blood drive
    The 2012 JROTC Citywide Service Learning Project to support the local chapter of the American Red Cross was held October 2012 through January 2013. The cadets of St. Louis Public Schools (SLPS) JROTC did an outstanding job in supporting the local Red Cross blood bank and bringing about the discussion of being “a good citizen during times of natural catastrophes and man-made disasters, and its impact on individuals, families, the community and the world to classrooms.”

    Because of the efforts of the SLPS JROTC programs the American Red Cross collected over 200 pints of blood. This donated blood will help save over 500 lives. 

    Sadija Lilic
    Sadija Lilic, a senior in Gateway’s EMT Program, recently completed a CERT Train-the-Trainer Course and is now certified as an Instructor.  The intense 16 hour course was conducted by the Missouri University Fire and Rescue Training Institute (MUFRTI) at the Eureka Fire Protection District Training Center over an entire weekend. 

    Out of many applicants for this course, Sadija was one of the 30 selected and the only High School student that completed the course.  Other attendees included people from different organizations such as: Overland Police Department, Eureka Fire Department, Metro West Fire Protection District, Town and Country Police Department, Barnes-Jewish Hospital, Rock Community CERT, St Charles CERT, Webster Groves Police Department, Webster University, Crestwood PD, and Des Peres Department of Public Safety. 

    Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training is taught at Gateway STEM High School to 11th Grade students taking the Health Sciences programs.  CERT training is designed to teach students resiliency and how to take care of themselves, their families and their neighborhoods when disaster strikes.  CERT training consists of: Disaster Preparedness, Fire Safety and Utility Controls, Disaster Medical Operations, Light Search and Rescue, CERT Organization, and Response to Terrorism. 

    The CERT Training Program at Gateway is sponsored and supported by the St Louis City Emergency Management Agency.  If you would like more information on CERT Training, go to www.citizencorps.gov or contact Sarah Gamblin-Luigs, City Emergency Management Agency, 314-622-3501.



    Free Tax Service

    The St. Louis Tax Assistance Program is offering free tax preparations for families who qualify. To learn more, click here.


    Nominate a Young Volunteer: Kohl's Cares Scholarship Program (ACTIVE LINK)

    Nominate a young volunteer, age 6-18, who has made a difference in your community. Top winners each receive $10,000 for higher education. Nominations are accepted February 1-March 15, 2013.


    Money Smart Week 2013 Essay Contest

    In support of Money Smart Week 2012, taking place April 21-28 in the Metro St. Louis area, the Money Smart Week – St. Louis Metro Development Committee will be sponsoring a Money Smart Kid Essay Contest. Students in grades 6-8 are encouraged to answer this year’s Money Smart Question (CLICK FLYER BELOW) with an essay of 300 words or less. The finalists will be asked to attend the Money Smart Kick-Off breakfast on April 20. One student will be named this year’s Money Smart Kid, winning a $1500 scholarship from COUNTRY Financial. Two $250 scholarships will be awarded to the runner-ups, also sponsored by COUNTRY Financial. MSW Kid St. Louis(pdf)


    Big Red Line Cheerleader Art Contest

    To encourage students in their pursuit of art and to encourage community support of art programs in our schools, the Big Red Line Cheerleaders Alumni is inviting local high school student ages 16-18 years to submit original art work of the Big Red Line Cheerleaders for the purpose of finding a student to lead a team of fellow artists in the creation of a e-comic book about the Big Red Line Cheerleaders, which will be released for free in PDF format July 3, 2013 in conjunction with a web-series and e-book, The History of the Big Red Line.

    We invite each high school student ages 16-18 that lives and attends school in the St Louis City or County limits, to compete.  Deadline for Submissions: February 28, 2013. More details can be found at http://www.bigredline.org/contest.htm.