• ST. LOUIS, MO, February 6, 2012 –The St. Louis Public School District has awarded the 2011 Middle and High School Science Teachers of the Year Awards to two educators who are exceptionally skilled in their professions, and dedicated to the students, school, and community in which they serve.


    To become the 2011 Middle and High School Science Teacher of the Year, applicants must explain their philosophy and approach to teaching; be recommended by a principal and a professional colleague; and pass a classroom evaluation conducted by a team of professionals. 


    The 2011 Middle School Science Teacher of the Year Award has been presented to Ms. Emily Williamson from Gateway Math, Science, and Technology Middle School. An educator with the District since 2008, Ms. Williamson creates lessons that incorporate media-rich PowerPoint presentations, videos that reiterate class discussions, and articles geared to multiple reading levels.


    “Regardless of the level that my students start the year at they are all capable of making academic gains, and that is my job to ensure that they make these gains,” said Williamson.


    “Mrs. Williamson brings with her to Gateway a wealth of experience, with a master’s degree in biology, and plenty of field experience, first as a science outreach coordinator for the Missouri Department of Conservation and as a researcher at the Saint Louis Zoo,” said James Kelly, Math Department Chair at Gateway MST Middle School, who recommended her for the honor. 


    The 2011 High School Science Teacher of the Year Award has been presented to Mr. Andrew Goodin, a Chemistry teacher at Soldan International Studies High School. An educator with the District since 2008, Mr. Goodin truly creates a hands-on classroom environment.  For example, during the first two weeks of class students investigate a classroom crime scene that is aligned to crucial foundational skills that include scientific inquiry, density, observation/inference, and scientific notation. 


    Mr. Goodin has earned notoriety across the state for his abilities to teach students, so much so he was visited by Governor Jay Nixon who sat and observed the classroom. Goodin was also named the 2011 grand prize winner in the first annual National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) Shell Science Lab Challenge for finding innovative ways to deliver quality lab experiences with limited school and laboratory resources.  More recently, Goodin was awarded with the Monsanto Dannette Ward Science Education Grant which provides classrooms funds to learn about science and agriculture. 


    The 2011 Middle and High School Science Teachers of the Year were honored with an awards reception and presented with a $1,000 award from the St. Louis Public Schools Foundation.  In addition, the recipients were presented with a trophy, a plaque, and a $500 award for classroom supplies and/or professional development through the Parsons Blewett Memorial Fund.  For more information please contact the Office of Public Information (314) 345-2367.

