• ST. LOUIS, MO. April 26, 2012 – All SLPS high schools have completed their review for accreditation through AdvancED, and are now considered individually accredited high schools.


    Below is an alphabetical list of accredited SLPS high schools:

    ·         Beaumont High School

    ·         Carnahan High School of the Future

    ·         Central Visual and Performing Arts High School

    ·         Cleveland NJROTC High School

    ·         Clyde C. Miller Career Academy

    ·         Gateway Institute of Technology High School

    ·         McKinley Classical Leadership Academy

    ·         Metro Academic & Classical High School

    ·         Northwest Academy of Law

    ·         Roosevelt High School

    ·         Soldan International Studies High School

    ·         Sumner High School

    ·         Vashon Community Education Full Service High School


    “Schools that utilize AdvancED Research-based Standards, the School Improvement Protocol and the Internal and External Validation Reviews realize the benefits of the accreditation process for improving student performance.  We are proud of all the SLPS High Schools for their commitment to improve the performance of all of their students.  We congratulate them on their attainment of International Accreditation status for all of their high schools through AdvancED,” said Dr. Lamar Hicks, Director of the AdvancED Missouri. 


    Since 2009, the St. Louis Public School District has increased its graduation rate annually, with seniors cumulatively earning more than $98 million in scholarships and grants towards higher education pursuits. In addition, SLPS graduating seniors have been accepted to more than 245 colleges and universities around the country, including, Harvard, Yale, Princeton, the U.S. Air Force Academy, and the U.S. Military Academy (West Point). 


    Who is AdvancED:

    AdvancED is the world’s largest education community, serving more than 30,000 public and private schools and districts across the United States and in more than 70 countries that educate over 16 million students.  It is comprised of the following organizations:

    ·         NCA CASI- North Central Association Commission on Accreditation and School Improvement

    ·         SACS CASI- Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Accreditation and School Improvement

    ·         NSSE- National Study of School Evaluation

    ·         CITA- Commission on International and Trans-Regional Accreditation

    ·         NWAC- Northwest Accreditation Commission


    How are schools accredited by AdvancED:

    AdvancED uses the following Standards for Quality to assess accreditation:

    Standard 1- Purpose and Direction

    The school maintains and communicates a purpose and direction that commits to high expectations for learning as well as shared values and beliefs about teaching and learning.

    Standard 2- Governance and Leadership

    The school operates under governance and leadership that promotes and supports student performance and school effectiveness.

    Standard 3- Teaching and Assessing for Learning

    The school’s curriculum, instructional design, and assessment practices guide and ensure teacher effectiveness and student learning.

    Standard 4- Resources and Support Systems

    The school has resources and provides services that support its purpose and direction to ensure success for all students.

    Standard 5- Using Results for Continuous Improvement

    The school implements a comprehensive assessment system that generates a range of data about student learning and school effectiveness and uses the results to guide continuous improvement.


    For more information please contact the Office of Public Information (314) 345-2367.

