• ST. LOUIS, MO. February 8, 2012 – The District’s School Improvement Grant program (SIG) is well underway after receiving $3.47 million in second-year funding from the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.  The second-year funding will focus on building capacity for teaching and learning at the District’s EPIC schools.


    Introduced in 2010, the federal School Improvement Grant program is a three-year initiative designed to improve student learning and academic success in the lowest 5% of performing schools. St. Louis Public Schools received $4.28 million in first-year funding to improve 11 schools based on two comprehensive school improvement models, Turnaround Model and Transformation Model.


    During the first year of the grant, the District focused efforts on creating conditions for improvement which included technology improvements, professional development, a three-tiered scholastic reading program, and extended-learning opportunities. Forty-six new positions were also created to support students and faculty at the schools. Notably, the SIG schools made numerous academic gains during the 2010-2011 school year, including:

    ·         Columbia Elementary, a turnaround model school, achieved Adequate Yearly Progress status

    ·         Eight schools increased proficient/advanced status in MAP/EOC Communication Arts

    ·         Eight schools increased proficient/advanced status in MAP/EOC Mathematics

    ·         Ten out of the eleven schools increased average daily attendance (ADA), with 9 of the 11 schools having 90% or higher ADA

    ·         8 out of 11 SIG schools have decreased the total number of discipline events and Out of School Suspensions

    ·         Six months after integrating a developmentally appropriate three-tiered Scholastic reading program, Fanning, Langston and L’Ouverture averaged 1.3 -2 years reading growth


    “Saint Louis Public SIG Schools are a model for the State,” said Dr. Dennis Dorsey, School Improvement Grant Resource Specialist for the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, who has monitored the District’s progress.


    In addition to the 11 SIG schools, the District added 14 low-performing non-SIG schools as Turnaround Models under the leadership of Associate Superintendent Michael Haggen from the Office of Innovation. These 25 schools are collectively referred to as EPIC schools.


    “EPIC, which stands for Educators Providing Innovative Change, required significant staff changes, professional development and revamped curriculum to improve student academic achievement,” said Haggen.


    Proudly, SLPS is one of 25 Districts from around the country invited to Washington, D.C., February 9-10, to share best practices at the School Turnaround Summit hosted by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of School Turnaround. 


    For more information, please contact the Office of Public Information (314) 345-2367.

