Phone: (314) 776-3300


Degrees and Certifications:

High School: Freeport (IL) High School Bachelor's Degree: University of Minnesota, B.S. in Urban Studies Master's Degrees: Saint Louis University, M.A. (Educational Leadership)/M.B.A.

Mr. Nathaniel Lischwe

Hello Gateway STEM family,

I am excited to serve on the Gateway staff team as an Assistant Principal.  I have served in a few different roles in my 17-plus years working at Saint Louis Public Schools: Mathematics Teacher at Sumner, Academic Instructional Coach at Miller Career Academy, and Assistant Principal at McKinley, with a brief stint completing graduate coursework in Educational Leadership and Business Administration at Saint Louis University and completing administration internships at two area middle schools. I have been honored to be part of an amazing team at each of these schools with talented, driven students and staff and committed, supportive families, resulting in wonderful student achievement gains in the classroom (and on the tennis court!).

The following mantra drives my work: “Do the most good for the most people in an equitable fashion,” and this mantra is especially relevant today.  While leadership is a part of my title, I believe that this leadership carries a responsibility of serving and ongoing, lifelong learning.  I also seek to maintain a growth mindset in my work and to nurture that mindset in the people I serve.

Gateway’s focus on important, fast-growing STEM fields, as well as the vision of “Learners today. Leaders tomorrow!” is an inspiring one to be a part of as we prepare our students for college and career excellence.  To a great school year!

Nathaniel Lischwe

"I've missed more than 9,000 shots in my career.  I've lost almost 300 games.  26 times I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed.  I've failed over and over again in my life.  And that is why I succeed."  -Michael Jordan