• Bienvenidos estudiantes.

    Yo soy la profesora Goodwin.  I am a graduate of Lincoln University in Jefferson City, Missouri and I completed my graduate degree at the University of Missouri.  I have traveled through Europe, Asia, and South America and along the way, have collected the vibes of different cultures while only speaking English and/or Spanish.  This is an adventure without an end.  I would like the experience of awakening you to this adventure.

    The world is getting smaller but our cultures are growing.  In this Spanish class, we will learn about different cultures under one language.

    La aventura comienza aqui!



Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Science: Lincoln University of Missouri M.Ed. University of Missouri

Mrs. Sheila P Goodwin

Welcome Back!

I hope you had a safe, exciting, and fun-filled summer.

September 15-October 15 is Spanish Heritage Month.  Be prepared to participate in the pinata decorating competition where student work will be on display at the administrative office downtown.  Also, get ready to learn the salsa dance.  These are just a few of the things you can expect this school year.  There will be many celebrations to commemorate the contributions Hispanics have made to the Eastern World!!

Let's open our minds, our hearts, and our eyes for the Hispanic Panorama 2021-2022.