Phone: 314/776-3300 Room 410W Media Center 413W


Degrees and Certifications:

BA; MA MO Certifications: English Speech & Theatre Journalism K-12 Library Media Specialist K-12 Special Education

Ms. Lisa Dennison

Photo, left: Ms. Dennison with 2022-23 Yearbook Publications Crew


Yearbooks are not just for seniors anymore! While their imprint is indeed prominent, we want to encourage all grade levels to document their years at Gateway through writing and photography submissions to our publications and bring home a yearbook each year, memorializing their growth through high school!

Journalism I (3rd & 5th hour) is open to sophomores and anyone else who needs "bootcamp" training in writing and photography, as well as graphic design, for print and online media. Prerequisite for advanced photo and yearbook See syllabus here

*NEW NAME!* Publications: DigiMedia (4th hour) Explore media messaging, color theory, and graphic design elements, interpret and tell stories through visual imagery, create visual communications for every platform, and improve digital skills for quality presentations in multiple digital formats. See syllabus here

Photojournalism I (8th hour) Study master photographers and how stories are told through images, polish skills in composition, framing, and exposure, learn DSLR, 3-point studio lighting, portrait, & still-life photography, and produce original content documenting life at Gateway for the print yearbook. See syllabus here

Publications: Yearbook (7th hour)  As production crew members guide our editorial decision-making and create the pages of our annual yearbook. Experience student-driven learning and expand skills in storytelling, photography, and design into mastery. Serve as ambassadors for Gateway by representing our media program and producing the 2024 yearbook for the student body.   See syllabus here 

All students are involved in the details of production, such as coordinating picture days, photographing events during and after school, as well as cataloging the content and details of the entire year. The lessons and skills practiced lead to student growth and maturity in all other disciplines. I am a firm believer in the practical arts as "real world" experiences supporting the core disciplines.