Phone: (314) 776-3300


Degrees and Certifications:

BA Political Science (Hofstra University, NY) JD Law (Brooklyn Law School, NY) Certified to teach Social Studies 7-12 (NY) Certified to teach Social Studies 7-12 (MO) Certified to teach Special Education K - 12 Cross Categorical (MO)

Mr. Chase

Subject: Special Education 

Room Number: 310A


Teacher Message:


I am available in room 310A for in-person meetings throughout the time of parent-teacher conferences. Do not hesitate to call me at (314) 776-3300, Extension  13190 or at my cell phone (314) 537-4125. You may also email me at

Thank You.

Sydney J. Chase

Special Education Teacher


I am a Special Education teacher with a desire to assist students to find their life careers. It is my goal to give each of my students the means, upon graduation, to have a definitive plan in place to assist in achieving life goals.  My objective for all the students on my caseload and who I teach at Gateway STEM High School is that they move on to a college, a vocational program, public service or a solid career opportunity where they can find satisfaction.

I have been assigned as a co-teacher in sophomore and Social Studies classes. There, I work with the general education teachers to heighten the students' comprehension of the assigned work. The students know that I am there to help them to understand the subject and willingly join me, when they find it necessary, in a small class venue to cement their knowledge.

I happily communicate with parents by email. Please contact me at I will also speak by phone. As the school day leaves little time for phone contact, I ask that you call my cell number (314) 537-4125 between 3:00 PM and 9:00 PM Monday–Thursday; and I'll get back to you if you leave a number and time to call.

I ask that parents of my Special Education students do not hesitate to email me at, or to phone/FaceTime me at (314) 537-4125. Let me know and I'll also set up a Zoom meeting. I really enjoy speaking with my students' parents.


I was born and raised in New York City. 

I taught Social Studies in New York State in the 1960s and then practiced law there. In 2001, I moved to Missouri to be with family. In 2002 I was certified by the Missouri Department of Secondary and Elementary Education in Social Studies (7 – 12) and Special Education (K – 12).

In 2002 I also started my third career, teaching in St. Louis (now, in Special Education); first, at Central VPA High School for 15 years, moving to Gateway STEM High School in 2017. In 2022 I was again assigned to Central VPA and in 2024, back to Gateway, always with the same duties

In the 2013/2014 academic year, I was assigned to teach American History in the Social Studies Department and as a Special Education co-teacher in English, Social Studies and Mathematics. I was also the school's debate coach for the winter season.

I still maintain my New York teaching and law licenses. I have been a building steward for Local 420 AFT St. Louis for over nineteen years, one of its area coordinators for eight years and on its Executive Board for eight years.

I belong to a local gym. I kayak (a little). I love the teaching profession and believe that my time in the St. Louis Public Schools has been - and continues to be - one of the most rewarding periods of my life.

I have two sons, ten grandchildren and (for now) four great-grandchildren. Every summer, I travel to different parts of the world for at least a month. It helps me to learn about people from everywhere and to then give some of what I've learned to my students.

I have been honored by AFT St. Louis and The St. Louis Public Schools to be a founding member of the Internal Board of Review under the St. Louis Plan, a nationally recognized method of mentoring and judging new teachers and older teachers requiring intervention. I was happy to give my time in this service to our students and schools for over seventeen years.