

Degrees and Certifications:

B.S. Mathematics 2012 M.Ed. Secondary Education and Inquiry 2013

Mr. Dulle

Hello and Welcome Back Jaguars!

I know that summer went fast, but I hope you are ready to get back to the building for a fantastic 2024-2025 school year. Below you will find a short biography of me as well as the courses I am teaching this school year. If there is ever a question I can answer or attempt to find an answer to, please email me at 


About Mr. Dulle

This will be Mr. Dulle's 12th year teaching mathematics at St. Louis Public Schools. He earned a bachelor's degree in mathematics from Maryville University in 2012 and continued his studies in math at Maryville University, where he earned a master's degree in secondary mathematics education in 2013. While at Maryville, Mr. Dulle played on their NCAA Division 2 men's basketball team. He enjoys anything sports related and spending time with his family. Mr. Dulle lives in the St. Louis area with his wife, three daughters, and dog.

  • Courses 2024-2025

    A-Day                                                         B-Day

    1st Hour: Algebra 150                                     5th Hour: Algebra 150

    2nd Hour: MTSS                                              6th Hour: Plan

    3rd Hour: Math Deparment PLC                     7th Hour: AP Precalc

    4th Hour: Advanced Algebra 350                    8th Hour: Advanced Algebra 350