

Degrees and Certifications:

B.A. English Education MEd Reading

Ms. Nicole Brown

Hi! My name is Ms. Nicole Brown and I have a bachelor's degree in English Education from Northland International University and a Master's degree in Reading from Northwest Missouri State University. I will be teaching ELA 2 and ELA 3 this year. 

I love getting to work with students each day and watching them grow in their reading and communication skills. I believe that all students can meet high expectations and achieve long-term success. My goal is for every one of my students to leave my class more confident in their abilities and more equipped for the challenges of the 21st century. To this end, we will spend a lot of time reading diverse texts, discussing ideas, building critical thinking skills, and writing to first solidify our learning and then also to communicate effectively with others. I'm looking forward to learning alongside my students this year!

Please reach out to me with any questions or concerns.