• ***Academics comes first and being a Jagette is a privilege***


    Throughout the year, the activities listed are subject to change but can give you an idea of what a year will look like commitment-wise. This is in addition to practices that will happen regularly during the summer and school year, along with team bonding activities. The demands upon a student’s time and physical energy are great. All dancers must be able to successfully balance school, the team, homework, and their social lives. Your various commitments must be taken into consideration before you decide to try out.




    Please understand this is not a complete list, it is only meant to give you an idea of the commitment you are about to consider:


    FALL SEASON 2024                                                      

    • Tryouts/Team Announced
    • Perform at home football games
    •  Perform at school assemblies
    •  Fall dance clinic
    •  Community events participation
    • Team bonding event & Fundraiser


    WINTER SEASON 2024-2025

    • Tryouts/Team Announced
    •  Perform at home basketball games
    •  Perform at school assemblies
    •  Dance clinic
    • Community events participation



    • Community events participation
    • Spring Fundraiser
    • Community events participation
    • Spring Fundraiser - Spring Showcase
    • Awards Banquet
    • Tryouts for next school year



    Coach Sharon Ingram

    SLPS Volunteer Coach
