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    Foster Care Intake Form: This form is to be completed by the Children's Division Worker after a determination has been made regarding school selection.
    School Selection Form:  This form provides notification to the student and/or parent of determination of school selection.
    Dispute Resolution Form: If the student and/or parent/guardian is not in agreement, they reserve the right to dispute the district's choice of school.
    Best Interest Determination Form (BID): This form is completed by the Children's Division Worker once a determination has been made in the BID Meeting. 

    Foster Care Provisions under the Every Student Succeeds' Act (ESSA):
    The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) now has provisions for students in foster care. These provisions include involving LEAs (Local Education Agency) in “best interest” decision-making, appointing points of contact for the schools and child welfare agencies, new assurances and data reporting requirements, and a requirement for transportation policies and procedures. ESSA requires the education system to ensure children/youth in foster care have school stability and access to services comparable to other students. The foster care provisions went into effect on December 10, 2016.