• Gifted and Talented Education 

    The Department of Gifted Education provides gifted testing for any child (3.6 years old to age 18) that resides in St. Louis City. We provide families with guidance and support to obtain gifted instruction for eligible St. Louis Public School students. Our department also provides academic support for all gifted educators. Gifted Pullout Instruction


    Mission: St. Louis Public Schools Gifted and Talented team ensures a transparent and equitable identification process. We provide a learning community which maximizes the potential and unique capabilities of all gifted learners.

    Vision: To prepare gifted scholars for an ever-changing world, gifted instruction involves real-world-inquiry-based experiences that foster curiosity and creativity, critical thinking and problem-solving.

    St. Louis Public Schools Core Beliefs

    • All children can learn, regardless of their socioeconomic status, race, or gender.
    • The African-American Achievement Gap can be eliminated
    • Competent, caring, properly supported teachers are essential to student learning
    • The community must be involved in encouraging high achievement for all children
    • The Saint Louis Public Schools are obligated to help students overcome any obstacles that may hinder their learning by forming partnerships with the entire community.

    The Office of Gifted Education is located in Downtown St. Louis on the 2nd floor of the Saint Louis Public Schools Central Office Building, 801 N. 11th St., St. Louis, MO 63101.

  • If you would like more information or to schedule a testing appointment, contact:

    Shelice Hardin
    (314) 345-4548

