- Saint Louis Public Schools
- Gifted Identification
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St. Louis Public Schools Gifted Identification Process
Identification Process & Alternative Selection Criteria
Universal Screening
Every school year, all 2nd grade students will participate in Universal Screening utilizing the Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test (NNAT3)
- The NNAT3 is a nonverbal measure of general ability, ideal for use with a diverse student population.
- Requires no spoken or written language, making it useful for students who are non-English speakers, intermediate English speakers, and students learning English for the first time.
Any student with a minimum NAI score of 110 (73rd percentile) will be identified for further evaluation.
Gifted Evaluation & Identification
For eligibility and placement into the St. Louis Public Schools gifted program, students must meet the following criteria:
- 90th percentile or higher for General Mental Ability
- 80th percentile in at least one area for Academic Achievement
Identification Process & Alternative Selection Criteria
General Mental Ability
A minimum score at or above the 90th percentile on an individual intelligence test:
- Full scale or index scores
- General mental ability
- General IQ
- Nonverbal IQ
Academic Ability
A minimum score at or above the 80th percentile derived from a norm-referenced test in reading or math.
Achievement Tests – Renaissance Star (SLPS enrolled students only):
- Star Early Literacy (3.5 years – 5 years)
- Star Reading (KG – 12th grade)
- Star Math (KG – 12th grade)
(Must be within the district benchmark testing windows. The most recent STAR score will be considered. Evidence of "trend data" must be evident)
Achievement Tests (SLPS enrolled students, non-enrolled students):
- Bracken (School Readiness Assessment)
- Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement (KTEA-3)
- Wechsler Individual Achievement Test (WIAT-4)
- Wide Range Achievement Test (5th Edition)
Creativity, Reasoning, and Problem-solving Ability
Gifted Universal Screener: Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test (NNAT3)
- A minimum NAI score of 110 - 73rd percentile (this percentile reflects an approximate standard deviation for whole group screening tools)
Other – Gifted Rating Scales
Student must demonstrate “above average” in at least 80% of categories
- Teacher Gifted Rating Scales
- Parent Gifted Rating Scales
Other – Evidence of Academic Achievement (in-district students only): Documented evidence of exceptional performance in a general academic area, a fine arts area, or a STEM area.
Evidence may include:
- Portfolios of student work, auditions, or product demonstrations as evaluated by an assessment committee comprised of a gifted education specialist and at least two other educators
- Formal classroom observations utilizing the MO-TABS tool completed by a gifted education specialist
(*Other - Academic Achievement criteria will only be used in unique circumstances in
which a student has a General Mental Ability score at or above the 90th percentile but is unable to demonstrate achievement through traditional norm-referenced achievement tests due to specific challenges or barriers (i.e., IEP, ELL, one or more years without a certified teacher.) ONLY a certificated classroom teacher, principal, academic coach, or gifted education specialist knowledgeable about the student may request to utilize a portfolio or formal classroom observation for evidence of academic achievement.)
The gifted identification criterion is aligned to local norms and adheres to guidelines outlined in the MO DESE Gifted Program Guidelines, to ensure fair and equitable access to gifted instruction for all students in St. Louis Public Schools.
Gifted Screening and Services Timeline
The gifted screening and services window operates on a school year timeline. Any student identified as gifted after August 9, 2024, will be eligible for gifted services for the 2025-2026 school year. All gifted resource schedules will be evaluated prior to January 2, 2024 to determine if any additional gifted services may be available for the second semester.