• Vendor Registration

    SLPS Procurement Vendor Registration Instructions - Please note:  Current SLPS Employees cannot become business vendors.

    1. Complete the SLPS Vendor Registration Form (Fillable)

    2. Complete W9 Fillable Form 

    3.  Email signed and completed W9 forms to Purchasing_Registration@slps.org  

    4.  Notify your SLPS point of contact, and the SLPS point of contact should email Matthew.Tague@slps.org requesting the vendor to be activated in our system.


    Please note:  Vendors requesting to do business with St. Louis Public School District are required to complete a vendor registration form and a signed and dated W9 in order to complete the vendor registration package.

    Completing the registration does not guarantee future business with St. Louis Public School District.  Only SLPS employee-sponsored vendors will become active in our system.

    Secretary of the State
    All vendors must be in good standing with the Secretary of the State for their prospective state

    Federal Funds  

    If federal funds will be used to purchase the product/service, the Department must verify against the System for Award Management (SAM) [https://www.sam.gov] provided by the General Services Administration (GSA) that the potential awardee is not on the list of individuals, entities, and contractors excluded from Federal procurement and sales programs, non-procurement programs and financial and non-financial benefits. If the potential awardee is found on the list, an award cannot be made to the potential awardee. Documentation of the search results may include a screen print(s) of the applicable SAM search results screen.

    SAM.GOV Requirement
    Prior to all bid submittals, as well as purchases where federal funds are used, vendors must register with the System for Award Management (SAM) or have an active registration with SAM.

    The System for Award Management (SAM) is the official registration required prior to bidding on a contract with any federal government agency, including local governments who receive federal funds.

    Registering online is accomplished on the SAM website www.sam.gov.

    Information concerning the process can be found in the "Guide to SAM Registration" below.  The District does not offer any support with the www.sam.gov registration process.  


    Missouri Suspended/Debarred Vendors

    Vendors under Suspension/Debarment as of 01.19.2023

    Debarred Contractors for Missouri: https://labor.mo.gov/contractor-debarment-list