- Saint Louis Public Schools
- Current Families
- Curriculum & Assessments
In alignment with the Missouri Early Learning Standards (MELS) set by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE-MO), Saint Louis Public Schools Pre-Kindergarten Program utilizes the state-approved Project Construct Curriculum. The Pre-K curriculum is secular and designed for all families to feel safe and included, regardless of religion or nationality. Project construct offers authentic, meaningful experiences that emphasize collaboration, long-term retention, and deep understanding of skills and concepts.
The MELS are a framework of expectations for what children are able to do from infancy to kindergarten entry. Using the MELS promotes the understanding of early learning and development, provides a comprehensive set of early childhood educational expectations for children’s development and learning, and guides the design and implementation of curriculum, assessment and instructional practices for our young learners.
Measuring Student Learning
These expectations are assessed quarterly and reported to parents via the district report card. SLPS employs standards-based grading which, unlike traditional letter grades, is focused around individual core ideas in each domain, or subject area, rather than a single overall score. For example, instead of an overall grade for literacy, students are assessed on their level of mastery for each of the literacy standards. Thus, teachers and parents are able to pinpoint exactly which skills students have mastered and which are a focus for improvement. Additionally, students aren't limited based on past performance because scores aren't averaged together. The goal is growth.
SLPS uses a grading scale from 1-4, which reflects students' increasing skill. A "3" indicates the student has achieved grade-level expectations.
4: Exceeds expectations. In addition to the objectives set for meeting expectations, the student consistently demonstrates advanced understanding of the skill.
3: Meets expectations. The student consistently meets all criteria identified as being on-level.
2: Partially meets expectations. The student demonstrates partial understanding of the skill or can perform with occasional prompting or assistance. They're "almost there."
1: Does not yet meet expectations. The student is forming an initial understanding of the skill or requires significant adult intervention to achieve success. When starting a new skill, many students do not have prior knowledge and begin at a 1. Parents should not be alarmed if their child has many 1's on the first quarter report card. This is typical. Teachers meet children where they are and adapt their instruction so each child has the opportunity for success.Have concerns or questions about your child's grades? Contact his or her classroom teacher.
Project Construct & Missouri Early Learning Standards Alignment
This quick-reference table shows the links between Project Construct, Missouri Early Learning Standards and Missouri Kindergarten Grade-Level Expectations.