• Saint Louis Public School Gardens

    Many schools have ornamental or vegetable gardens. These educational gardens have been created by Gateway GreeningTo learn more about the SLPS Health and Wellness programs in the schools you can view:
    flower Ornamental gardens: Ames VPA Elementary
    tomatoes Vegetable gardens: Clay CEC Elementary, Columbia CEC Elementary, Cote Brilliante Elementary, Dewey IS, Ford Elementary, Gateway Complex, Hodgen Elementary, International Welcome School, Kennard CJA Elementary, Laclede Elementary, Long Elementary, Lyon@Blow Elementary, Mallinckrodt ABI, Mullanphy ILC Elementary, Oak Hill eMints Academy, Patrick Henry Elementary, Shaw VPA Elementary, Shenandoah Elementary, Stevens Middle, Stix ECC, Sumner High School, Walbridge Elementary, Washington Montessori Elementary
    Ames Ames 
    Butterfly Garden at Ames VPA Elementary
    Clay Clay
    Clay CEC Elementary
    Columbia Columbia
    The Columbia Peace and Hope Garden
    Kennard Kennard
    Kennard CJA Elementary
    Kottmeyer Kottmeyer
    International Welcome School
    Lyon@Blow School Garden Lyon@Blow
    Lyon@Blow Elementary
    Oak Hill Oak Hill
    Oak Hill eMints Academy
    Henry Henry
    Patrick Henry Elementary
    Shenandoah Stix
    Shenandoah Elementary                         Stix ECC
    Sumner Sumner
    Sumner High School
    Center for Hope Community and School Garden Washington
    Center for Hope Community and School Garden at Washington Montessori Elementary
    Pictures courtesy of Gateway Greening