• The Eight Key Wellness Areas and Goals

    1) Health and Wellness Education: M. Leanne White
    The district will provide students many opportunities to learn how to optimize personal wellness.

    2) Physical Education and Physical Activity: M. Leanne White
    The district will provide students many opportunities to engage in activity that builds their physical, mental, social, and emotional health.

    3) Health Services: Surilla Shaw
    The district will provide services to students that will appraise, protect, and promote their health; are in harmony with the community, parents, and other constituencies; and are accessible to all students.

    4) Healthy School Learning Environment: Roger L. CayCe/Lisa Taylor
    The district will create and maintain a school environment conducive to optimal student learning.

    5) Nutrition Services: Althea Santiago
    The school food service department will promote good health practices and provide a foundation for sound lifestyle habits through food service operations and nutrition education.

    6) Health Promotion: Karen Shelton-Henry
    The district will foster the maintenance of a healthy lifestyle for all staff.

    7) Family and Community Involvement: Jeffery Rhone/ Debra Irons -EL
    The district will support an integrated school, parent, and community approach to achieving student wellness through a dynamic, collaborative partnership of communication and accountability.

    8) Policy Evaluation: Althea Albert-Santiago, Leanne White and Surilla Shaw/ Leadership Council  
    The district will assign the Health and Wellness Policy (HWP) coordinator who will use every appropriate and available means to the school district to ensure that every student has the chance to succeed academically, emotionally, socially as well as remain in school.