Weekly Choice Boards

  • K-2

    ESOL Choice Boards provide an additional opportunity for your child to engage in English language development activities.  Please click on the links below to access ESOL Choice Boards.  

    Week of August 26th-August 30th Click Here

    Week of September 2nd-September 6th Click Here

    Week of September 9th-September 13th Click Here

    Week of September 16th-September 20th Click Here

    Week of September 23rd-September 27th Click Here 

    Week of September 30th-October 4th  Click Here 

    Week of October 7th-October 11th Click Here

    Week of October 14th-October 18th Click Here

    Week of October 21st-October 25th Click Here

    Week of October 28th-November 1st Click Here

    Week of November 5th to November 8th Click Here

    Week of November 12th to November 15th Click Here

    Week of November 19th to November 22nd Click Here

    Week of December 2nd to December 6th Click Here

    Week of December 9th to December 13th Click Here

    Week of December 16th to December 20th Click Here

    Week of January 6th to January 10th  Click Here

    Week of January 13th-January 17th  Click Here

    Week of January 20th-January 24th  Click Here

    Week of January 27th -January 31st Click Here

    Week of February 3rd - February 7th Click Here

    Week of February 10th- February 14th Click Here

    Week of February 17th-February 21st Click Here