• Attend TOdayEvery Day Counts: Supporting Student Success in Saint Louis Public Schools

    At Saint Louis Public Schools, we believe every student deserves the opportunity to learn and thrive. We understand that regular school attendance is crucial for academic success, and we're committed to working with families to ensure that all our students can be present and engaged in the classroom, especially during challenging times.


    The Importance of Attendance

    Research consistently shows that good attendance is a key to student success. Students who attend school regularly are more likely to:

    • Achieve higher grades and test scores
    • Develop strong reading and math skills
    • Graduate from high school on time
    • Pursue higher education and fulfilling careers

    On the other hand, chronic absenteeism, even in the early grades, can have long-lasting negative impacts. Students who miss significant amounts of school are more likely to struggle academically, fall behind their classmates, and experience decreased motivation and engagement.


    Understanding the Challenges

    We recognize that various factors can contribute to absenteeism. Currently, our district is facing a bus driver shortage, which has led to transportation disruptions and difficulties for many families. We understand the frustration and inconvenience this causes, and we're actively working to address these issues.

    Beyond transportation, other challenges can also impact attendance, such as:


    • Health concerns: Illness, chronic conditions, and lack of access to healthcare can all lead to missed school days.
    • Family obligations: Work schedules, childcare needs, and family emergencies can sometimes make it difficult for students to attend school regularly.
    • Lack of awareness: Some families may not fully understand the full impact of missed school days, even if those absences are excused.


    Our Commitment to Support

    We're dedicated to partnering with families to overcome these challenges and ensure that every student has the opportunity to attend school consistently. Here's how we're working to support you:

    • Addressing Transportation: We're actively exploring alternative transportation options and communicating any changes or delays promptly.
    • Open Communication: We encourage open and honest communication between families and schools. If you're facing any challenges that are impacting your child's attendance, please don't hesitate to reach out to your child's teacher, counselor, or principal. We're here to listen and help find solutions.
    • Resources and Support: We offer a range of resources to support families, including:
      • Access to healthcare services
      • After-school programs
      • Community organizations that can assist with transportation, childcare, and other needs
      • Student support teams
    • Building a Culture of Attendance: We're working to educate families about the importance of attendance and provide tools and strategies to help students develop good attendance habits.


    What You Can Do

    • Prioritize School: Make school attendance a top priority for your child. Establish consistent routines, schedule appointments outside of school hours whenever possible, and communicate the value of education.
    • Communicate with Us: If your child is facing any barriers to attendance, please let us know. We're here to collaborate with you to find solutions and ensure your child's success.
    • Stay Informed: Check our website and social media pages for updates on transportation, attendance policies, and available resources.

    Together, We Can Make a Difference

    We believe that every student in Saint Louis Public Schools has the potential to achieve great things. By working together to address attendance challenges and create a culture of attendance, we can ensure that all our students have the opportunity to reach their full potential.

    Remember, every day counts!

    Additional Resources:



    Let's work together to ensure that every student in Saint Louis Public Schools has the opportunity to learn, grow, and succeed!