• Transportation Banner

    How to Ride Metro

    Hello Metro Bus Riders,

    We are pleased to be able to provide you with a Metro Transit Pass to assist in your transportation to school.  This pass will work for unlimited rides on public transit for the semester, but there are some things you should know:

    • You must have your transit pass in your possession each time you get on the bus.  If you do not have your pass, you will have to pay for your ride or you will not be allowed on the bus.
    • If you lose your transit pass, SLPS will replace the pass one time only. 
    • If you lose your transit pass a second time, it will cost $175 to replace it that time and each additional time.

    You will want to download the Metro Transit app to keep track of your bus.

    The iPhone version of the app is here.
    The Android version of the app is here.

    For a video on how a student can use the Metro transit system, please go here.

    We also have this information for our student riders and their families.

If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.