January 17 2025
Good Afternoon
Due to driver shortages, we cannot service the buses listed below this afternoon. We are diligently working to find coverage for the routes, but it could take 30 minutes to an hour. If possible, we ask that you pick up your student from school. We will continue to update this web page regularly. Please call 314-633-5107 for assistance.
Routes not in service
1310 Lyon / Mullanphany- Shaw
1461 Madison ES / Mullanphy- Shaw
1417 Madison / Mullanphy- Shaw
1417 Compton Drew MS
1441 Metro HS
1461 AESM MS
1310 Carr Lane MS
Routes running behind schedule
1409 Pamoja / Ames 30 Mins
1458 Nottingham HS / Gateway Michael/ Dewey - Wilkinson 1 hour delay
1440 Lyon Sch / Mullanphy-Shaw 45 Mins
1456 Buder ES / Meramec ES 45 Mins