• Bus Banner

  • February 21, 2025

    Good Morning

    Due to driver shortages, we cannot service the buses listed below this afternoon. We are diligently working to find coverage for the routes, but it could take 30 minutes to an hour.  IWe will continue to update this web page regularly. Please call 314-633-5107 for assistance.


    Routes Not In Service

    6007 AME VPA

    1416 Blewett/ Gateway Mid/ Elem

    1448 Long Madison-Woerner

    1414 Long-Lexington-Sigel/Hodgen
    1326 Roosevelt-New Amer. Prep-Mullanphy/Shaw
    1324 Vashon-New Amer. Prep-Mallinckrodt/Betty Wheeler
    1411 Compton Drew-Gateway Michael-Mullanphy/Shaw
    1312 Long-Gateway Mid/Elem-Woerner
    1328 Vashon-New Amer. Prep-Mallinckrodt/Betty Wheeler
    1441 Metro-Columbia-Hodgen
    1305 Long-Mason-Mullanphy/Sha

    7009-1st Tier-Sumner, 2nd Tier Mason, 3rd Tier Mull/Shaw

    Route 7009 1st Tier will be covered by-7008

    Route 7009 2nd Tier will be covered by-7005

    Route 7009 3rd Tier will be covered by- 7008


    Routes running behind schedule

    1422  Busch  / Buder / Mullanphy - Shaw 30 Mins

    Routes running behind schedule

    1422  Busch  / Buder / Mullanphy - Shaw 30 Mins

    1430 40 min. Nottingham-Gateway Michael-Oakhill

    1455 20 min. Gateway Stem-Lyon at Blow-Mullanphy
    5006 20 min. Roosevelt-New Amer. Prep- Shaw/Mullanphy
    1327 10 min. Vashon-Mallinckrodt/Betty Wheeler
    1407 15 min. Gateway Stem-Gateway mid/elem-Ames
    1450 15 min. Mckinley-Lyon at Blow-Mullanphy/Shaw
    1421 25 min. Nottingham-Gateway Michael-Sigel/Hodgen
    1422 1hr Busch mid-Lyon at Blow-Mullanphy/Shaw
    1440 12 min. Long Mid-Lyon at Blow-Mullanphy/Shaw
    6003 15 min. Compton Drew-Collegiate-Woerner
    1310 40 min. Carr ln-Lyon at Blow-Mullanphy/Shaw
    1330 12 min. AESM-Columbia-Mallinckrodt/Betty Wheeler