Great schools know who they are, who they serve and what they are doing in service of students.

  • The work of the Re-design Fellowship is centered on six strands:

    Six Strands: Reflection, Equity, Development, Design, Support (Implementation), and Support (Immediate)

    1 REFLECTION. Fellows begin by examining and appreciating themselves, their students, their families, their teams, their schools, and their school communities. Engaging with experts in the fields of leadership and schools, Fellows use the results of their "Strengths Finders" and "Appreciative Inquiry" activities to paint an asset-based picture of NOW.

    2 EQUITY. Fellows center all of their work on Equity, designing with their most marginalized students at the center.

    3 DEVELOPMENT. Executive Coaches guide the Fellows to answer the following: How do I see myself as a leader? What is my personal trajectory toward higher efficacy in the work?

    4 DESIGN. Fellows use intentional "Design Thinking" to transform DREAMS to a DESIGN to a PLAN.

    From DREAMS to DESIGN to the PLAN, using generative and convergent thinking.

    5 SUPPORT (IMPLEMENTATION). Fellows have the ears, eyes, and hands of district leadership supporting them while they navigate a variety of systems (school, district, community), to turn excellent designs into meaningful destinies.

    6 SUPPORT (IMMEDIATE). During this unprecedented time, Fellows have access to the immediate support they need to have the space to do this difficult and important work.