• College Bound helps SLPS students succeed at STLCC


    “As a coach, it is your responsibility to pay close attention to your students’ overarching and underlying needs,” said Shakiyla Hughes, one of the college coaches for the College Bound STLCC program. “As you notice voids that can be filled by resources you aware of, a students’ comfort accessing those resources should be assessed.”

    Click here for more.

    ‘Feeling engaged on campus and like you belong in college’ is goal of new program.

  • 1,000 SLPS students get free smartphones as part of national Sprint program

    Sprint ST. LOUIS (KMOV.com) -- Monday was an exciting day for 1,000 students in the St. Louis Public School District, as they received a gift to help them both in school and out.

    Click here for more.

  • 101-year-old St. Louis woman given honorary high school diploma as one of her final wishes

    Graduation SOUTH ST. LOUIS (KMOV.com) - A special graduation ceremony was held Wednesday for a woman who says one of her biggest regrets in life was not getting her high school diploma.

    Click here for more.