• St. Louis Board of Education Norms

    Adopted April 9, 2019


    Decision Making

    • We believe our first priority and greatest concern is the educational welfare of all students in St. Louis Public Schools.
    • We align decisions, discussions, superintendent evaluations, district partnerships, budget allocations, etc. to the current Transformation Plan.
    • We demonstrate respect for diversity of thoughts, backgrounds and experiences, roles, and decisions once they have been made.
    • We embrace healthy debate.
    • We acknowledge Board Members with differing opinions during discourse in both open and closed sessions to gain clarity and engage in meaningful dialogues.



    • We demonstrate engagement by thoroughly reviewing the board packet and other documents, arriving on time to meetings and work sessions, remaining on topic during discussions, and respectfully interacting with each other, the superintendent, staff, and all stakeholders.
    • We demonstrate respect for diversity of thoughts, backgrounds and experiences, and roles.



    • We demonstrate professionalism and respect for other Board Members, the superintendent, and district staff by adhering to timelines and deadlines outlined in the workflow calendar and any other tasks as assigned.
    • We conduct all official board related email communications using our @slps.org email accounts; we read and reply to all board emails within 72 hours.
    • We conduct all official board related phone and text communications using District issued phones; we check voicemail and return phone calls and texts within 72 hours.
    • We are ambassadors in the community, and as individual concerns or questions arise, we will seek to understand the information and gather pertinent facts in order to direct stakeholders/staff to contact appropriate district personnel.
    • We channel concerns or requests for information through the Board President who will direct those requests to the superintendent in an organized, concise manner.
    • We recognize the importance of proactive communication and agree there will be no surprises.
    • The Board President shall be the official spokesperson for the Board; the superintendent shall be the spokesperson for the district. Board members who receive requests for board issue positions shall direct the request to the Board President or superintendent.



    • We respect and maintain the confidentiality of closed session items and the Board’s discussion on those items.
    • We refrain from discussing confidential business in public, with members of the press, or with anyone else not privy to such information.
    • If it is necessary to provide a statement to the public following a closed session, the Board President and superintendent will agree on a unified response prior to making the statement.