• Come Back October 9th  
    Saint Louis Public Schools Wants to Hear from You!

    Saint Louis Public Schools is committed to providing a high-quality education to all students so they can realize their full potential. We can’t do that effectively without listening to our community. Only by building a strong relationship with you can we support high achievement for all students.

    Let’s Talk!, our online communication solution, makes it easy for you to engage with district leaders when your schedule allows. It’s available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and we guarantee a thoughtful, timely response.

    Let’s Talk! is accessible on any computer, tablet, or smartphone. When we launch on Monday, October 9th, you will simply click the Let’s Talk! button on our district website, www.slps.org, or download the iOS or Android app and enter our ID (SL0972). Select a topic to ask questions, express concerns, share compliments, make suggestions, or leave feedback. You can submit anonymously, but we will provide a personal response if you share your contact information.

    With Let’s Talk!, we can open lines of communication and effectively partner with you to provide our students with the best possible education. Thank you for your continued support of Saint Louis Public Schools.
    Let's Talk!

  • We look forward to hearing from you!