Proposed 2021-2022 School Year Budget - Budget Forums

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    The budget forums serve as an opportunity for parents, teachers, staff and community to hear basic framework for the proposed fiscal year budget for 2021-2022. This year's forums were held Saturday, March 13 at 9am; Tuesday, March 16 at 7pm; and Thursday, March 18 at 7pm.

    Chief Financial Officer Angie Banks and Superintendent Kelvin Adams will answer questions and provide information and insights on what next school year looks like. Much like a household budget, the district’s budget take into consideration the revenues that come in from local, state and federal sources and, grants and public/private donations.  It also considers expenses including salaries, utilities, groundskeeping, maintenance and repairs, transportation and food services. Technical and educational equipment, supplies and materials are also included.

    This is your opportunity to learn more about how budget allocations are made and to ask questions and offer ideas and suggestions that could have impact on how district funds are spent. Click here to make a comment or ask a question directly of our Finance Team.

    Here are the questions we have received, so far:

    Q: In regards to the operating budget updates, have you already determined who will fulfill the services? If not, are you proposing an RFP or RFQ? AThere are a combination of contract renewals, contracts that will be new based on recent RFPs, services that will be fulfilled through co-operative purchases (previously vetted vendors), services that will go out for bid and services that are beneath RFP thresholds that will be identified with quotes.

    Q: Can you share with us what elementary schools will receive reading teachers? A: All elementary schools with the exception of our gifted schools and likely Buder and Mason (because of the criteria of 3rd grade reading levels). 

    Q: Many Family Community Specialists are working for two schools. Will this change with only hiring two? A: Yes, it will.

    Q: Will the District be able to provide a dashboard for this information on how the local funds are being spent? A: Yes, we are working on dashboard design that will provide an overview of budget information. However, we do not typically break down expenditures based on fund source. Perhaps there is a specific question you would like to ask on local funding?

    Q: I only saw about 5 people watching. How else did you inform parents/guardians, students, community members and other consituents? Were you aware that this week was also Parent/Teacher Conferences, too? A: Tonight was the last of three Budget Forums, all offered with the same content, yet at different times of day to provide flexibility in viewership. Thank you for asking about the conferences. Yes, we were aware of Parent-Teacher Conference week and tried to set the Forum times around it. The first Forum was on a Saturday, the other two on weekdays at 7pm. In addition, Let's Talk has been open for questions throughout the series. The Budget Forums were widely promoted on multiple platforms, traditional and social, including parent and school leader newsletters, as well as paid advertising. School leaders also promoted the Forums in their schools. Unfortunately, the Forums traditionally do not attract a large audience. we post the broadcasts online, and they pick up more views then. You will find Saturday's Forum posted now.

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