• Field Trips

    Midwest Biodiesel Products - Nov. 3, 3-5 p.m.
    Please join Washington University for a tour of the Midwest Biodiesel Products LLC facility in Roxana, Ill. We will explore how biodiesel fuel is created and distributed right here in the greater St. Louis area. We recommend wearing comfortable shoes and dressing for the weather, as the tour will be an hour in length and may include some time spent outside. 
    Transportation will be provided for both tours. Buses will depart from the front of Brookings Hall promptly at 3 p.m. on Nov. 3 and will return to the same location. 
    If you will be providing your own transportation to the tour site, please contact Erin Plut for driving directions and parking instructions. Washington University in St. Louis is located at 1 Brookings Hall Dr., St. Louis, MO 63130