• We want your students to be published authors!

    North City Book Project  

    Please encourage your students who live in North City to participate in the North City Book Project's Writers Workshop on Saturday, March 7 from 9 a.m. to noon at Farragut Elementary School, 4025 Sullivan Avenue. 

    Students will engage in meaningful community discussions and begin working on draft writing pieces. They will also receive guidance on how to brainstorm, draft, edit and publish their final writing pieces. All students in grades K-8 from North City, St. Louis are encouraged to participate. 

    Teachers can sign up students here: 

    Please register by Wednesday, March 4 to ensure there is enough space.

    For more information about the North City Book Project please visit: 

    FUNDRAISER! And be sure to support the North City Book Project by eating at the SLU Chipotle on Thursday, March 26 (4-8 p.m.) Bring in this flyer, show it on your smartphone or tell the cashier that you're supporting the North City Book Project, and Chipotle will donate 50% of proceeds to the project!!