• The Office of Development and Partnership 


    The Office of Development and Partnership is responsible for working closely with school and district administrators to secure additional local, state, federal, corporate, and private resources to meet a wide range of diverse needs. In this regard, the Office of Development and Partnership:

    • Researches and applies for appropriate local, state, national, and private competitive grants;
    • Creates and expands relationships with a wide range of donors;
    • Works with district staff to cultivate, establish, and maintain collaborative relationships with a varied array of partner agencies for the purpose of developing a broad range of necessary resources;
    • Provides a process for coordinating all district funding initiatives; and
    •  Serves as a point of contact, both within the district and for the external community.

    Mission Statement 

    partner fair

    The purpose of the Office of Development and Partnership is to provide additional local, state, federal, and private resources to the District. This is accomplished by securing individual, corporate, and public donors, to meet requested needs of the District as well as searching and applying for available local, state, and national private and public grant competitions. A responsibility of the Office is to coordinate all solicitation of outside funds and funding grants by the District. The Office of Development and Partnership is also responsible for establishing and maintaining collaborative relationships with partner agencies and donors to develop additional resources.

     The St. Louis Public Schools Foundation 

    The Office of Development and Partnership works closely with the St. Louis Public Schools Foundation (SLPSF).

    The St. Louis Public Schools Foundation (SLPSF) is an independent, not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization founded in 1998. Its mission is to engage and focus local, regional, and national support to promote educational success for Saint Louis Public Schools students. Its vision is to serve as the primary intermediary organization for the Saint Louis Public Schools (SLPS) bridging donors and the district. The Foundation assists private donors in making informed, strategic giving decisions that improve academic achievement and educational opportunities for SLPS students. It also provides donors with an accountability mechanism via its capacity to manage, disburse, and audit private sector donations to the school district. Since its inception, the SLPSF has raised and disbursed nearly twelve million dollars in support of school and district-wide initiatives which have favorably impacted thousands of children and youth.

    To visit the St. Louis Public Schools Foundation's web page, click here

    Erin Kane
    Director of Development