• Welcome!  

    ESOL Program Overview 

    The ESOL Program of the St. Louis Public Schools provides services to English language learners (ELLs) and their families so that ELL students can achieve academically to their highest ability. Program teachers provide English language and academic content instruction to ELL students in kindergarten through twelve grades. 
      V I S I O N
    The SLPS ESOL Program is a community that provides a safe and welcoming environment to meet the academic, social and emotional needs of ELL students and help ELL students to develop into productive lifelong learners of the global community. 
      M I S S I O N
    The mission of the ESOL/Bilingual/Migrant Program is to provide effective and age-appropriate English language instruction (Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing), and to support English Language Learners’ achievement in all content areas, grades K-12. 
    The program also strives to involve newcomer parents, educating them in their rights and responsibilities in the American educational system and supporting their roles as parents in a new culture.  A highly-skilled team of administrators, teachers and bilingual support staff enhance our ability to meet the academic mission and link our diverse communities to schools.

    To access the Lau Plan, please click HERE  or on the graphic below. You will need to log in using your district e-mail to access this file.


    Questions? Suggestions? We'd love for you to get in touch with us!   

    St. Louis Public Schools ♦ ESOL Bilingual Migrant Program 314-664-1066 ♦ 1530 S.Grand Blvd, St. Louis, MO 63104