• Full Service Schools are an important response to the realities of education faced by many children, families, and schools today. In its ideal state, a full service school is open to the community before, during, and after normal school hours, seven days a week, all year long. It is characterized by strong partnering with community service providers and the engagement of families, youth, school staff, and neighborhood residents in helping to design and implement activities and services. The primary focus is on the promotion of high educational achievement and positive youth development.

          Additionally, the school is oriented toward the community, encouraging student learning through community service and service learning. A before and after school learning component encourages students to build on their classroom experiences, expand their horizons, contribute to their communities, and have fun. A family support dimension helps families with child rearing, employment, housing, and other issues and problems. Medical, dental, and mental health services are readily available. College faculty and students, business people, youth workers, neighbors, and family members come together to support and bolster what schools are working hard to accomplish – ensuring young people’s academic, interpersonal, and career success.

          Over time, the full service school consciously tries to integrate activities in several areas to achieve the desired results: quality education, positive youth development, family support, family and community engagement in decision making, and community development. In this process, the school emerges as a community hub, a one-stop center to meet diverse needs and to achieve the best possible outcomes for each child and member of the community.


    The funding of this project is financed in part through a grant from the Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Community Development Administration under the provision of Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1947 (Pub L, 93-383 42 USC 5301 et seq.) and/or HOME Title II of the National Affordable Housing Act of 1990, as amended (Public Law 101-625)