




    Mission and Vision Statement

    As part of Metro Classical and Academic High School’s mission, we are dedicated to the classical tradition of civics education through service to others.  The community service requirement has been a part of Metro Academic & Classical High School's graduation requirements since the school was founded in 1972. The Metro Community Service Program (MCSP) guides students as they learn the value of service to one’s community and the importance of caring for the welfare of others.  The MCSP is a platform to promote and assist students as they form life-long habits of civic engagement through local, national, and global service experiences.


    Meaningful Service

    The service requirement should be meaningful service. After listening to input and suggestions from our stakeholders we have decided that 200 hours of community service will be required for graduation. These hours should be completed over the course of four years. Students MUST complete at least 50 hours per school year. No more than 75 hours should be submitted any single year. Any student not fulfilling this graduation requirement WILL BE allowed to graduate; however, they WILL NOT receive their high school diploma and final transcripts will not be released.


    • Class of 2025     200 hours
    • Class of 2026     200 hours
    • Class of 2027     200 hours
    • Class of 2028     200 hours


    In order to assist students to find the most personal, fulfilling, and impactful service, the MCSP is dedicated to supporting students through this four-year process.  The goals of MCSP are to:


    1. Link students with proven community service sites that fit students’ interests and are safe.
    2. Direct service back into SLPS and the students and families the district serves.
    3. Create lasting connections with service sites outside of Saint Louis and abroad to support our IB principles.


    Examples of service hours can include camp counseling, tutoring of SLPS students, mentoring elementary and middle school students, food pantry or social causes volunteering, school-based projects that serve or improve Metro, beautification days, organizing blood drives, facilitating a donation drive etc. Students should not be paid for service hours and internships unless they are specifically service based. Service hours will not be approved if it is not deemed community service. For example, dog walking, baby sitting, etc. School based projects and impactful service hours will be promoted, while “nice deeds” and helpful actions while they will be celebrated, will not be counted towards service hours. If you have any questions regarding what is considered community service, please contact the main office.


    Through their service, students can gain valuable life and work experiences, build lasting relationships with community members, develop their character, and contribute to strengthening their communities and their school. Thank you for helping us by encouraging your student to complete meaningful service hours.