- Metro Academic and Classical High School
- Metro High School Entrance Requirements
Metro Application Information and Updates
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Metro Academic & Classical High School -
4015 McPherson 63108 314-534-3894
Fax to: 314-244-1838
Contacts: Dr. Tina Hamilton-Principal Ms. Bobbie Richardson Mr. Joseph Cooper
Email: Tina.Hamilton@slps.org Bobbie.Richardson@slps.org Joseph.Cooper@slps.org
Website: www.slps.org/Metro
Send documents via email to: Metroapplicants@slps.org
- Applicants must score at or above the 70th percentile level on a standardized test and in all sub-areas of the test.
- Excellent attendance is expected for admission (90%). Please include documentation if extenuating circumstances exist.
- Applicants must submit a copy of their most recent report card and the last report card of their eighth-grade year to validate classroom academic achievement and attendance. This report card must reflect a letter grade of “C” or better in all subjects except Physical Education, Art, Music, and Practical Arts. One letter grade of “D” will be acceptable in any of these four courses. No letter grade of “D” in a core subject is acceptable.
- Applicants must have two recommendations. Recommendations must be submitted from two different categories: the applicant’s teacher, counselor, principal, or designated administrator.
- STUDENTS APPLYING FOR 10TH GRADE must submit a transcript reflecting all semesters enrolled, including the last completed semester and report card from the most recent grading period. The applicants must have a minimum GPA of 2.5 and no letter grade of “D” or “F” on their transcripts. The transcript should validate attendance and grade level. EOC test scores apply as mentioned above.
- Student/Guardian interview may be required.
- Entrance Essay- See topics in Essay tab