• Metro Academic and Classical High School 

    In order for students to participate in Metro Athletics, students and parents need to read and review the following information.  Before participating, the following forms will need to be filled out and turned-in to the front office:


    Concussion Awareness: In order to ensure the safety of your child, we ask that all parents and students take the online Concussion Course on the MSHSAA.org website located under sports medicine. The course is free to take online under the NFHS Learning Center Link: Concussion in Sports. You will need to create a login and the entire course takes about 30 minutes, but again, it is free.

    The free course is located at the following URL https://www.mshsaa.org/SportsMedicine/

    Physical Exams: Before any player can participate in practice and games, they must have a physical, the MSHSAA required physical form filled out, and be turned into the Athletic Director.  Physical Form

    MSHSAA Pre-participation Document: The form (PDF) is located at the following: MSHSAA Pre-participation Document

    Emergency Cards: All coaches need to have student emergency cards in case there is a medical emergency during a game or practice to ensure the safety of your child. The cards must be filled out before a player can participate in practice and games. The cards are located with the Athletic Director.

    Uniforms: Each player must pay a deposit on their uniform of $25, but parents can waive the deposit and donate the money into the activities’ fund if they choose. Once the season ends, students have one week to return their washed uniforms to the Athletic Director before they lose their deposit.  A uniform intent sheet including information about donating the deposit to the Athletic Program is sent home before issuing the uniform. If you have financial obstacles to paying the fee, please contact Mr. Lawler or the Athletic Director so that we can work with you.

    Insurance- SLPS/MSHSAA Catastrophic: The Board of Education does have insurance, but it is secondary. Whatever your primary insurance does not cover, the board’s secondary insurance may cover. If this situation does arise, the front office can assist you with finding the appropriate forms and paperwork.

    Academic Eligibility Standards:

    • If a student has two F’s at the end of the 5 week grading cycle, they cannot participate in their sport until they get at least one F to a passing grade by the next 5-week cycle.
    • If a student has two F’s at the end of the semester, the student cannot participate in any sport the following semester. For example: at the end of 1st semester, they cannot participate in a sport during the 2nd semester.

    Student Pledge: Students should not use any illegal drugs or alcohol. IF they are caught using any of these substances, they will lose their place on the team for the season. Also, student conduct off the field/court can forfeit their position on a team if it results in suspension or behavioral plan.

    Transportation: In order to conserve public dollars through transportation, players may often be sharing buses with other schools to and/or from sites. There may be some circumstances where students will need transportation from their parents or guardians. While we do encourage players to carpool, players cannot do so without permission from their parents.

    Practice and Participation: Practices are usually held daily.  Check with the coaches on practice schedules.  All students are required to practice 14 days before participation.