Metro Academic and Classical High School has been in existence for over 50 years, with that said we have reviewed and updated the Open Campus expectations and procedures. We understand that this privilege is of great importance and have devised a plan to make it viable for current and future Metro students. 


    The history of open campus is rooted in the unique creation of Metro “a school without walls”. When the school was located in a small portable building on Chouteau Ave, teachers took attendance and then traveled with students as they boarded public transportation to the Art Museum, Washington University, and St. Louis University.  Classes were held in these locations, and the student population was smaller than it is today. The traveling nature of classes made open campus a vital component of the school.


    After Metro received a building on Washington (Temple of Israel) near Kingshighway, students were allowed to continue to go outside of the building on the campus grounds known as the “four holy corners”.  Student responsibility was an intricate expectation then and remains one for those students allowed to leave campus.


    Our present building is Metro’s third location and the first building built specifically for Metro High School.  Although classes do not travel around the city, the practice of open campus has been retained and is viewed by most students as a vital privilege. Our primary concern is obviously the safety of our students when they leave campus. There have been a small number of issues that have occurred over the past few years, and we will be speaking to students about safety and awareness of their surroundings if they leave campus. We will also be reinforcing the acceptable use of study hall periods and the time management skills necessary to meet the rigorous academic demands our students encounter.


    We are requesting every student participating in Open Campus leave with at least one other person for safety.  Students are also required to sign in and out. Students who are eligible to participate in Open Campus must sign back in 15 minutes prior to the start of the next class period. Students participating in Open Campus the last period of the day may sign out but must return 15 minutes prior to the end of the day.  Any student not returning during the last period of the day will lose Open Campus privileges for two (2) weeks. Open Campus privilege will remain available for 10-12th graders in good academic standing and for 9th grade students on identified days during lunch periods with their assigned Buddies or on special occasions. There may be times when we encourage children to remain inside for study hall or restrict open campus privileges for students who need extra support or interventions to ensure academic success. We will also suspend open campus privileges for late arrivals, discipline infractions and students who fall below 90% attendance. Parent signatures/permission slips granting permission and assuming liability while students are off campus will be required for participation in open campus. Study Hall is closed for the first five (5) weeks of the school year.


    Thank you for your support as we tailor the practice of open campus to keep our students safe and support the academically rigorous environment that exists at Metro Academic and Classical High School.



    Open Campus Privileges



    Lunch on identified days (2nd semester)

    Attendance, Discipline, Grades



    Attendance, Discipline, Grades


    Lunch and Study Hall (after first 5 weeks)

    Attendance, Discipline, Grades


    Lunch and Study Hall  (after first 5 weeks)

    Attendance, Discipline, Grades